
Sunday, April 5, 2015

A few breaths of inhaled chaos….

This poor kid has been cooped up for a long winter and has been going absolutely stir crazy.  To say Kennedy has been begging to go outside is putting it mildly.

We got lucky with a few days over 50 this week, getting as high as 62 degrees one day (tropical, I know).  We took full advantage of the warmth and visited a nearby park and played outside our house for as long as the sun allowed.  

The kid even got a taste of some good old-fashioned fun.  Kennedy LOVES sidewalk chalk.  We simply can’t get enough of it.  It can keep her entertained for hours on end.  Great right?  Why yes, it is.  That is, until I try to clean it up and get her to come in the house and suddenly she is a screaming lunatic and I’m looking over my shoulder waiting for the cops to come, responding to a noise complaint.  Oh well. 

 The egg dying festivities were a big deal for her this year.  She asked me every single day when she could color the eggs and it became an epic bargaining deal.  I’d say Friday; she’d counter with Wednesday.  It got to the point where I had to just keep telling her it wasn’t Wednesday yet.  So when “Wednesday” finally rolled around, she was ready.  We’d carefully selected our dye kit.  When did that become so stressful?!  Let me tell you, for a chick that can barely pick out a pair of white socks lately, this almost brought me to tears.  So I settled on old-faithful: classic PAAS.  I, of course did not read the directions on preparing the dye so I wasn’t confident we weren’t going to have an huge fail on our hands.  I was pleasantly surprised and she was thrilled so all in all it was good!

 The Bunny made a stop at our house and we were very pleased! To watch how excited she was finding her eggs and sifting through her loot was the highlight of my week.  I am relieved I didn't give in to my urge to pass on celebrating Easter with all of these things.  She makes it clear that it is well worth the stress.  

Kennedy got all decked out in her lady-like Easter attire.  I can remember always having an Easter “bonnet” and white frilly gloves when I was a little girl.  It’s not really something you see much anymore and so to see her like this seemed so sweet and special.  She was a big hit with the old people at church.

 Someone forgot to remind me that I really hate cooking and so I offered to host Easter dinner.  Aside from the fact that some choice language was used on a high holy day, it went fine.  One of my little brothers visited for a home cooked meal (you’d have to be a desperate college student to want my cooking), laundry services, and a visit with his niece and nephews.  The kiddos had a great time hunting for eggs.

The week had its highs and lows.  At a time in my life when lows are plenty and the highs are hard to come by,  I cling to the good days and pray there will be more nearby.  As Sean tells me often, deep breaths.

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